Jerry A. Pattengale (born 1958) is the founder of Purpose-Guided Education, and his mantra is "The dream needs to be stronger than the struggle." He coined "purpose-guided education" in 1997 while leading the implementation of student success programs at Indiana Wesleyan University. In 2004, IWU received national recognition for these efforts through its selection as a Founding Institution in the Foundations of Excellence program of the National Policy Center (NC). The university was benefited from involvement in The Lilly Endowment's program for focused research on "vocation." Purpose-guided education prioritizes intrinsic motivation and helps students to become more engaged in learning experiences through connecting their beliefs and life goals to curricular requirements. The application of his views is found in Why I Teach and The Purpose-Guided Student (McGraw-Hill, 2008 & 2009 releases). He contributes regularly to educational issues related to student motivation and success, speaking nationally in various conference and media venues. He was raised in a family of ten near Lafayette, Indiana in the little town of Buck Creek, which prompted his popular Buck Creek newsprint series. At the age of 16 he found himself both a high school graduate and homeless. In 2006, PBS/WIPB (Ball State affiliate) included his journey in its special film, Leading the Way out of Poverty. In 2007 and 2008 he participated in Roundtable meetings at the White House on compassion efforts through OFBCI. From 2010 to the end of 2014, he served as the Executive Director of the Green Scholars Initiative. It is now an international research program involving dozens of universities and a large group of scholars mentoring undergraduate and graduate students while researching historic items in the Green Collection. Pattengale was one of the two founding scholars and leaders (2010) of the Museum of the Bible, which opened in DC on Nov. 18, 2017. He currently serves as the museum's Executive Director of Education.
Video Jerry Pattengale
Recognition for his work
The National Research Center (USC) and Houghton Mifflin Publishers presented him the National Student Advocate Award (2000), NACADA with a Merit Award for his development of the Virtual Advising Link system (1999) and Students at Azusa Pacific University twice voted him "Professor of the Year" and once as "Honors Professor of the Year." He has served on the boards the Collegiate Employment Research Institute (Michigan State University), Veriana Networks, Inc. (a new media group), The National Resource Center for First-Year Experience and Students in Transition (USC), Bridgecasters: The National Center for Understanding Diversity and Civic Responsibility (IN), The Center for Women in Ministry (IN), The Review Board for The Journal of the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition (Indiana), The 21sts Scholars College Network Steering Committee (IN) and the Governor's Council for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (Indiana). His mentoring of Olympian Kris Akabusi, a Nigerian sprinter from England, was highlighted in The Guardian.
In 2014, Indiana Wesleyan University named Pattengale its first University Professor since its 1920 founding. Pattengale received the 2012 World Changing Faculty Award from Indiana Wesleyan University.
In 2015 and 2016, the AP and Hoosier State Press Association presented him top awards for his newsprint commentaries.
Maps Jerry Pattengale
His publications and presentations reflect his wide range of interests, from his ancient history background to his studies of purpose, along with human interest stories. He speaks nationally on student success issues, including broadcasts such as The Teaching Professor (Magna Publications) and PaperClips and has given addresses to dozens of colleges and campuses, ranging from Colgate, Taylor and Wheaton to the universities of Michigan, Houston, South Florida, Arkansas, and many community colleges such as Ivy Tech. He was one of the pioneers in calling for a humanities approach to student success, and the need for faculty involvement in the development of strategies. Pattengale writes a popular newsprint series for Paxton Media, The Accidental Author, with some of these articles surfacing in books. In addition to his books and chapters on student success and history, he has a wide range of publications, e.g., "The Naked Truth" (The Chicago Tribune), "Student Success or Student Non-Dissatisfaction" (Growth Journal), "Writing History in Public," (Books & Culture) the "Addressing the Tension between Leading and Managing" (Academic Leader) and "The Faculty Retention IQ Test" (Faculty Focus).
Career and education
While completing a graduate degree at Wheaton College (Illinois) in Interpersonal Development, he developed a youth program to city teens in Chicago, IL. He later did the same in Indiana Wesleyan University while completing a second B.S. (History), founding the J.C. Body Shop--a Christian youth center. He then moved to Miami University for a second M.A. (Tudor-Stuart History) and a Ph.D. (Ancient History), holding a full fellowship and was a student of Dr. Edwin Yamauchi. From 1989-97 he taught history at Azusa Pacific University, where he helped to launch the Common Day of Learning, The Pew Honors Society, and the Night of Champions. In 1996 he served as Director of Education for The Scriptorium: Center for Christian Antiquities established by the late multi-millionaire financier Robert Van Kampen. He helped facilitate the Scriptorium's two international conferences held at Van Kampen's former Hampton Court Manor House, in Herefordshire, co-sponsored with the British Library. During his time at The Scriptorium, Pattengale also acted as liaison in local middle school classrooms that were participating in The Scriptorium's Odyssey in Egypt online archaeological education program, a multi-variegated virtual curriculum that linked the young students to the excavation and its staff. The program generated millions of hits through its association with Sloman's "Day in the Life of" series and received international recognition. In 2007, he served as a consultant for Lee Strobel's film The Case for Christ (produced by Peter Schockey). He has served Indiana Wesleyan University, formerly Marion College, his alma mater, in academic administration since 1997, most recently as Assistant Provost for Public Engagement. Pattengale was a non-resident Senior Fellow at Baylor University's Center for the Studies of Religion (before rotating off in 2015), which is associated with the Green Collection. He is on the National Board for Religion News Service and Yale's Jonathan Edwards' Center, and serves as the Associate Publisher for Christian Scholar's Review.
- Executive Director of Education, The Museum of the Bible
- University Professor, Indiana Wesleyan University
- Senior Fellow, Sagamore Institute
- Executive Director, National Conversations
- Honorary Senior Research Associate, Tyndale House, Cambridge
- Research Scholar, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Charlotte Campus
- Director and Distinguished Research Fellow, Lumen Research Institute
- "Virtual Violence: Hunger Games, the Lorax, and Post-Parkland School Reality," Christian Post. 3.9.18. .
- "The Long View of America's Dreamers: Before and After DACA." Christian Post. 2.21.18.
- "'Purpose over Politics'" at the National Prayer Breakfast." Religion News Service. 2.9.18.
- Todd Ream, Jerry Pattengale, Chris Devers, Editors. The State of the Evangelical Mind, Carol Stream, IL: Intervarsity Press, (2018).
- Pattengale J., Editor-in-Chief and key content contributor. Global Impact Bible: See the Bible in a Whole New Light. Franklin, TN: Worthy Publishing, October (2017).
- Schiffman, Larry and Pattengale, Jerry, The World's Greatest Book: How We Got the Bible. Franklin, TN: Worthy Publishing, (2017).
- Pattengale J., Senior Editor and contributor, with Steve DeNeff and Emily Vermilya, Editors. Faith Made Real: Everyday Experiences of God's Power.Indianapolis: Wesleyan Publishing House, (2017).
- Pattengale J., Editor-in-Chief and key contributor. Gil Ilutowitch, Tal Yanai, Timothy Dalrymple, Stacey Douglas. Editors. The Book: The Narrative, History and Impact of the Bible. Vols. 1-4. Ramat Gan, Israel: Compedia. (2017).
- Pattengale J., Editor-in-Chief and key contributor. Gil Ilutowitch, Tal Yanai, Timothy Dalrymple, Stacey Douglas. Editors. The Book: The Narrative, History and Impact of the Bible-Teacher's Guide. Vols. 1-4. Ramat Gan, Israel: Compedia. (2017).
- Pattengale, J., (2017) "The Whole-Student Approach as a Retention Model" in D. Schoem, C. Modey and E. St. John (Eds.), Integrative Pedagogy: Teaching the Whole Student with Heart, Mind, and Spirit. Stylus Press and AACU.
- Emanuel Tov, Editor and Jerry Pattengale, Managing Editor; Emanuel Tov, Kipp Davis, Robert Duke, editors. Publications of the Museum of the Bible: Semitic Texts- Vol. 1, Dead Sea Scroll Fragments in the Museum Collection. Leiden: Brill, (2016).
- Pattengale, J., Telling the Truth with a Smile: Golf Stories from the Buck Creek Series. Oklahoma City: Dust Jacket, (2016).
- Pattengale, J., "No Alexandrian Romance." Books & Culture (March/April 2015).
- Pattengale, J., (2015, in press) "The Whole-Student Approach as a Retention Model" in D. Schoem, C. Modey and E. St. John (Eds.), Integrative Pedagogy: Teaching the Whole Student with Heart, Mind, and Spirit. Stylus Press.
- Pattengale, J., "Women and Leadership in Higher Education: A Review." CCCU Advance (Spring 2015).
- Pattengale, J., (Gen. Ed.), Ilutowich, G. and Dalrymple, T. (Eds.), (2014) The Book: The Bible's History, Narrative and Impact (in Hebrew). Museum of the Bible and Compedia Software and Hardware Ltd. (Ramat Gan, Israel).
- Pattengale, J., (2014) Telling the Truth with a Smile. Dust Jacket.
- Pattengale, J., "The Secularization of Suicide: Guarding the Elevators." Patheos (online: 9/23/2014).
- Pattengale, J., Schiffman, L. H., Vukosavovic, F., editors. (2014) Book of Books: Biblical Canon, Dissemination and Its People. Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem.
- Lundberg, M., Pattengale, J., Reichstadt, H. N., Zuckerman, B., Zuckerman, K. (2014) "Using Cutting-edge Technologies to Re-visualize the Past" in Book of Books. Bible Lands Museum.
- Pattengale, J., (2014) "How the Jesus Wife Hoax Fell Apart." Wall Street Journal. (5/2/2104 print, 5/1/2014 online) .
- Pattengale, J., (2014) "Ever Reforming: Diane Ravitch's 180 Degree Turn." Books & Culture (May/June 2014, print). Online:
- Trobisch, D., Jennifer Atwood, Jonathan Kirkpatrick, Rory P. Crowley, authors. (2014) Jerry A. Pattengale, managing editor. Verbum Domini II: God's Word Goes Out To the Nations. ACU Press.
- Pattengale, J., executive producer. (2014) Tough Questions about the Bible and Its Rise to Prominence. 21 Vols. Filmed in Colorado Springs, 2013. Volume speakers: Gordon Campbell, Donald Fairbairn, Bill Yarchin, Ben Witherington III, Christopher B. Hays, Ken Schenck, Jennifer Hevelone-Harper, Brett Foster, Peter Williams, Andrew Atherstone, David Lyle Jeffrey, Tim Laniak, Daniel B. Wallace, Edwin Yamauchi, Filip Vukosavovic, Robert Duke, Stan Rosenberg, Craig A. Evans, Simon Gathercole, Curt Niccum, Walt Kaiser. Museum of the Bible.
- Pattengale, J. (2013) "In Defense of Hobby Lobby." Washington Post (5/30/2013):
- Pattengale, J. (2013) "Where is the Bible Answer Man?" Christian Post (4/1/2013):!.
- Pattengale, J. (2013) "The Antichrist Next Door." Washington Post (1/6/2013):
- Pattengale, J., (2013) "So All May Learn: Why Christians should aim to get low-income students a high-quality education," review essay. Christianity Today ( 3/6/2013).
- Pattengale, J., (2012) "Biblical Evidence: Logical Approaches to Objectivity". Triangle Publishing.
- Pattengale, J., editor. (2012) "Beyond Integration: Inter/Disciplinary Possibilities for the Future of Christian Higher Education". ACU Press.
- Pattengale, J., (2012) Buck Creek: True Stories To Tickle Your Mind. DustJacket.
- Pattengale, J., (2012) "The Bible Then: Assessing a Revisionist's Account." Books and Culture (July/August 2012, print). Online:
- Pattengale, J., (2012) "Attending School with a Mitt Romney." Christian Post (10/9/12):!.
- Pattengale, J., (2012) "D. L. Moody and One Good Thing." Christian Post (3/14/2012):
- King, D., Perry L. Glanzer, David A. Hoekema, Jerry Pattengale, Todd Ream, Todd Steen, editors. (2011) Taking Every Thought Captive: Forty Years of the Christian Scholar's Review. ACU Press.
- Pattengale, J. (2010) "The Janus Generation" Inside Higher Ed (1/09/2010)
- Hunter, M. H., Barbara F. Tobolowsky, John N. Gardner, Scott E. Evenbeck, Jerry A. Pattengale, Molly Schaller, Laurie A. Schreiner, editor. (2009) Helping Sophomores Succeed: Understanding and Improving the Second Year Experience. Hardback. Jossey-Bass.
- Pattengale, J. (2010, 2009 release) The Purpose-Guided Student: Dream to Succeed. New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Pattengale, J. (2009) Why I Teach: And Why It Matters to My Students. New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Pattengale, J., D. Sprowl, R. Thompson and K. Parker (2008, January 1) The Purpose-Guided Campus--Homework to Mentor Hall. Recruitment and Retention. Magna Publications.
- Pattengale, J. (2008) "The Student Retention IQ Quiz" Faculty Focus.
- Pattengale, J. (2008) What Faculty Members Need To Know about Retention. The Teaching Professor National Broadcast/DVD. Nov. 20, 2008.
- Pattengale, J. (2008) "Writing History in Public." Books and Culture.
- Evans, M. with J. Pattengale. (2008) Managing Business by the Book. Marion, IN: Triangle.
- Pattengale, J. (2007) "The Second College Year," national broadcast scheduled for Dec. 19, 2007. PaperClip Productions and the National Media Services. Essam Abozid, project manager.
- Pattengale, J. (2007) A Brief Guide to Objective Inquiry. Triangle Publishing.
- Schockey, Peter, producer, J. Pattengale, technical research assistant. (2007) The Case for Christ. Based on book by Lee Strobel.
- Pattengale, J. (2006) "Benevolent Physicians in Late Antiquity: Ancient Precedent for Modern Health Care Reform." In The Light of Discovery: A Festschrift for Edwin M. Yamauchi, John Wineland, editor. Oregon: Wipf & Stock.
- Pattengale, J. (2006) "Meeting the Needs of the Second College Year," National broadcast. PaperClip Productions and the National Media Services. Essam Abozid, project manager.
- Pattengale, J. (2006) "Teaching the Whole Student: Engaged Learning with Heart, Mind, and Spirit." Growth Journal, No. 6, 13-25.
- Reynolds, P., J. Gross, B. Millard, J. Pattengale (2005). Discovering life purpose: retention success in a leadership course at Indiana Wesleyan University. Indiana Project for Academic Success Research Brief. Bloomington: Smith Center for Research, Indiana University.
- Pattengale, J. (2005) "Forward" in Student Success Theories. University of South Carolina Press, Tracy Skipper, managing editor.
- Pattengale, J. (2005) "Purpose-Guided Education: Student Success or Student non-Dissatisfaction," plenary address at the Indiana chapter of the National Association of Developmental Education. Indianapolis: October 28, 2005.
- Pattengale, J. (2004, rev. ed. 2007) Straight Talk: Clear Answers about Today's Christianity. Triangle Publishing.
- Pattengale, J. (2003) "The Naked Truth: It all boils down to one's donation in life" The Chicago Tribune. (3/04/03): 1.13.
- Pattengale, J. (2003) "Finding Fundable Solutions." Journal of the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, National Resource Center, USC. Columbia, South Carolina.
- Pattengale, J. (2003-) The Buck Creek Series,
- Schreiner, L. and Pattengale, J. (2001) "What Is the Sophomore Slump, and Why Should We Care?" Koinonia (Winter 2001): 6-11.
- Schreiner, L. and J. Pattengale. Eds. (2000). Visible Solutions for Invisible Students: Helping Sophomores Succeed. Co-editor with Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina, The National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition. Monograph 31. November, 2000.
- Pattengale, J. and C. Bence. (2000) Consider the Source: Young Scholars and the Timeless Truths of Christianity. NY: Barge Canal Press.
- Pattengale, J. and M. Boivin (1998) Using Assessment as an Intervention Process: The Master Teacher Project, CCCU National Assessment Conference, Lee University.
- Carroll, S. and J. Pattengale (1996) 24 Hrs. in Cyberspace. S.v. "Odyssey in Egypt." San Francisco: Against All Odds Productions (February 8-11), 1996.
- Pattengale, J. (1996) "Parchment Pilgrimages." Glosses. 1.2 (Summer 1996): 4-5.
- Pattengale, J. (1996) "Preface." On Your Mark: Studies in Mark's Gospel, Kriss Akabusi. Oxford: Bible Reading Fellowship.
- Pattengale, J. (1996) "The Grand Manor House of England." Glosses. 2 (Fall 1996): 4-6.
- Pattengale, J. (1996) "The Program for the Study of Egyptian Antiquity and Early Christianity." Glosses 1.1 (Spring 1996). Review of Religions of China by Daniel L. Overmeyer, The Historian, 51.2 (February 1989): 347-348.
- Pattengale, J. (1996). "The Vietnam War: An Interpretive Essay." Great Events in American History. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishers, 1996.
- Pattengale, J. (1995) "The Helsinki Summer Olympics, 1940: The Political and Social Ramifications of Cancellation." The History of the Modern Olympics. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishers.
- Pattengale, J. (1993) Review of A World Lit Only By Fire: The Medieval Mind and the Renaissance by William Manchester. Christian Scholar's Review.
- Pattengale, J. (1992) "The Chinese Cultural Revolution." Great Events from History II: Human Rights. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press.
- Pattengale, J. (1992) "The Tiananmen Square Demonstrations." Great Events from History II: Human Rights. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press.
- Pattengale, J. (1992) S.v. "Abilene"; "Achaia"; "Aenon"; "Apame"; "Aphairema"; "Arbatta"; "Arimathea"; "Beautiful Gate"; "Berea"; "Crete"; "Dalmatia"; "Delos"; "Lasthenes." Anchor Bible Dictionary. 6 volumes. Garden City, NY: Doubleday Press.
- Pattengale, J. (1989) Review of Eye Witness to History by Wm. Carey, Fides et Historia. 21.1 (January 1989): 83.
- Pattengale, J. (1989) Review of Theological Dictionary of the New Testament edited and abridged by Geoffrey W. Bromiley. Asbury Theological Journal. 44.1 (Spring 1989): 111-112.
- Pattengale, J. (1988) Review of The Early History of God and other Yahweh Deities by Mark Smith, Christian Scholar's Review.
External links
Source of article : Wikipedia